OK, I am going to TRY to do a post a day (weekdays only) for a month like I did last March. Notice I said TRYING! I can't guarantee that they will all have pictures...but I will do my best!
Today's post is: 10 things NOT to say to someone who is experiencing fertility issues (with my thoughts included at no extra charge...no need to thank me! :) ) I found this post saved as a draft from the day before we found out we were pregnant. I didn't post it because of obvious reasons, but thought that I might go ahead and float it on out there.
- “Just relax it will happen” - I assure you that “relaxing” is not the issue. If "relaxing" got you pregnant...Destin, the Caribbean and Hawaii wouldn't be NEARLY as popular as they are.
- “Start the process of adoption, then you will get pregnant” – If only it were that simple. Umm, odd response, and not accurate...adoption is not an alternative to pregnancy to be taken lightly.
- “Gosh, I hope that when you do get pregnant, that you don’t have like…5” – You and me both sister!
- “It was so easy for me to get pregnant” – I know, that is why I want stick my negative pregnancy tests, ovulation predictor kits and thermometer up your nose.
- “Maybe you should pray about it” – Ummm, again, refer to #1…praying does not a pregnant woman make…believe me, if that is all it would take, I'd have a house full by now. Praying to be pregnant makes you no more pregnant than praying NOT to be pregnant makes you not pregnant.
- “Maybe you weren’t meant to have children” – Ummm, are you looking for a reason for plastic surgery, because I could fix your face so that it could become a very near possibility.
- “Maybe you aren’t doing it right” – OK kids, we had a class in 4th grade that pretty much covered this one. I graduated from college and I am pretty sure that if I am intelligent enough to figure out Calculus, I can figure this one out.
- “Don’t worry about it, good things come to those who wait” – Again, refer to #1…worry…not the issue.
- “Give it a year or two, it will happen” – Has it occurred to you that I might have already passed the 1-2 year mark? I didn’t think so.
- “Oh, look at all the pregnant people, I am sorry that you can’t join them.” – Me too, Sister, Me too!
OK, there it is...take it for what it is worth...