OK, so I started grad school yesterday and it is kicking my @$$ so far. I am excited though! I hope that once I get back into the "swing" of school, it will be a little better. I feel like I am back in elementary school again! This working full time and going to school full time thing is not going to be easy! It will all pay off in the end! (let's hope that "payment" will be literal as well as figurative!!!!)
I went to the bathroom and when I came back, this is what I found. I don't think Nellie is very impressed with Managerial Accounting (my sentiments exactly!)
Cute isn't she? Ok, well, enough procrastination, more productivity. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!
Yeah grad school sucks...that's why I take it one class at a time :) Between teaching my class...doing lessons...dealing with grades, progress reports, and parents...making sure I am staying on base with PEPE...doing all the extra stuff principals like for you to do..yadda yadda yadda...then going to night class...and my own life...it get's overwhelming...but it's soooo worth it in the end! good luck to you!!
Aw, God love her. What a dog. And that's why I stay away from grad school. Do I really need two computer science degrees? Really? Doesn't that just make me super nerdy instead of a little nerdy? Business and Education degrees are way cooler than computer science degrees, trust me. I've got some folks around me to prove it. ;)
I think my grad school experience would be better if I was actually going to class and learning something. Online grad school is the worst. When I finish in in Feb, I will not return unless I get to go to class.
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