Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Monday, January 31, 2011

Ten on "It is Tuesday somewhere"

Just a quick update, a la bullet points!

  1. Hives showed back up last week.  YUCK, miserable!
  2. We are going to Gatlinburg for a long weekend, it can't come soon enough!
  3. I have a serious case of the 'Mondays'
  4. Considering taking the twin bed out of Rory's room for a while until it is time for her to be in it all the time.  We had it in there when she was little bitty so that we would have a place to lay down for middle of the night feedings or if we needed to.  It is nice having it in there, but I think Rory would rather have the play space.
  5. There is a 4x6 pink tent in the middle of my living room.  It was a Christmas gift from my Aunt Linda.  Rory LOVES it.  We will probably leave it there for a few more days, and then take it down for a while but for now, she is loving it.
  6. Rory asked to listen to Belle in the car on Saturday.  I didn't want to listen to the CD, so I told her that I didn't know where it was.  She pointed at the radio in the dash and said "Mommy you push 123 on the car and we listen to Belle"  I guess she has the CD player figured out, great.
  7. We LOVED the lovely weather this weekend.  We opened up windows in the house and let it air out.  It was heavenly!
  8. Yesterday, we went grocery shopping and I let Rory take her little metal shopping cart and shop too.  Kevin pushed the big buggy and I wrangled Rory, apologized to other shoppers for her Kamikaze steering and snuck items from her basket, back to the shelves.  She enjoyed it and we had a good time.
  9. The song of the week is...Sesame Street.  She doesn't watch Sesame Street, but we have a CD with a bunch of songs on it.  She gallops around the house singing "Sunny Day..sleepin da cwowds away..ah ma may to where the air is street, tell me how da get to sesame street." 
  10. Life with a toddler...always an adventure....keep them coming!


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