Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Monday, July 12, 2010

19 Months

19 Months...I can hardly believe it!  She is SO much fun.  She is talking in sentences.  Including telling me the other day..."Hey GurFend" (hey girlfriend) and if I am on the phone she will say "Mommy gimme dat phone" or she will bring the phone to me and say "I talka Daddy" meaning that she wants me to call him at work so she can talk to him.  She is a trip...we are really in for it, I tell ya this one is a motor mouth...I wonder where she gets that from?

The pics this month are not really portrait quality...but they are just Rory.  So excuse the quality, enjoy the sweet baby. (I haven't edited these besides adding the watermark, so the color isn't the greatest...sorry in advance)

Excuse the solar flare in the background...this look is 100% Rory...she is so happy and look at those little girl legs...where are my baby's chunky thighs going?

I know, it isn't of her face, but she will throw the ball for Nellie until you make her stop.  She yells "Gid-id Nellie, Gid-id" and Nellie comes running!  I had to capture it, and how can I resist those curls?
Do you see that place on her forehead?  Yeah, she hit her self in the middle of the forehead with a box at Target.  She didn't cry or anything, but it broke the skin a bit.  She asks for "meh-sin" for her head about 100 times a day.  She thinks it is hilarious to get the antibacterial foam stuff on her head.  She just giggles.

This is my favorite...I just love that little face and that little pouty mouth.  Well that is it for the 19 month update.  Hope you guys enjoyed!


Mass Confusion said...

Lauren, she is sooo adorable! We are going through "terrible threes" right now and Jay is getting a little smart mouth. He also has a motor mouth and talks NON-STOP! Hard not to laugh at some of his bossiness, though. I know EXACTLY where he gets it from.

Lauren said...

Jamie, I am so glad that you commented, I couldn't remember the address of your blog. I am going to go on over and catch up! Good to see you...

Meghan said...

These pics are too cute! Bryce always had a spot somewhere on his head. Now he just keeps scars and scrapes. Thanks for the prayers too!

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