Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Some pics

(I haven't edited any of these, it is too late for me to trudge through them now, so you are getting them Sooc, flaws and all-be warned!) As I mentioned in my post earlier today, Little Miss climbed out of her crib  instead of taking her nap.  Truthfully, we are lucky that she has slept in a crib and not climbed out and she is 2.5., when I got home, I converted her crib to a toddler bed.  After a quick trip to Target to get a pool noodle to keep her from rolling out, we are 2 hours into her first night in her big girl bed.

Hopefully, all will go well.  She was pretty excited to be in her big girl bed.

I got the bin of my old dance costumes out the other weekend,  They were a BIG hit.  Now if we can just get her potty trained, we can enroll her and she can get her OWN costumes.

We played in the pool the weekend between the 2 weeks of sickness.  So cute!

That is all for tonight.  Goodnight everyone!


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