Yesterday, before church, we were ready a few mins early so I told her that I wanted to take a picture of her in her dress. This was my 3rd Easter dress and I had yet to really get a good pic of her in it. I did get a few good ones, but this is BY FAR my favorite picture. Anyone who knew my Dad, should recognize this look (minus the finger in the mouth)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Yesterday, before church, we were ready a few mins early so I told her that I wanted to take a picture of her in her dress. This was my 3rd Easter dress and I had yet to really get a good pic of her in it. I did get a few good ones, but this is BY FAR my favorite picture. Anyone who knew my Dad, should recognize this look (minus the finger in the mouth)
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9:05 AM
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The Potty Training Post
Ok, so this post is a long time in the making, and it may not help anyone, but whatever, I figured I would write it any way.
Prior to the actual potty training, I:
- stocked up on M&Ms
- Got a bunch of cheapo potty prizes for Rory to pick from when she went potty
- Got lots of cute toddler panties
- I also put an old shower curtain liner over the couch with a quilt over it
- Made sure that we had lots of clean towels
- The froggy potty was in the middle of the living room in the middle of a few layers of beach towel
- Had a lot of high water content snacks and of course her regular 50/50 water/juice
We also bought a new toilet seat for the hall bathroom. We were going to buy one anyway, but I found (at Home Depot) a toilet seat that has a toddler sized seat that flips down and stores in the lid. It is awesome by the way!
Saturday Rory got up and we took her diaper off and put her in big girl undies. I told her that when she needed to go potty, to tell me. Then I gave her orange juice instead of milk for breakfast. For the rest of the morning, I sat her on the Froggy Potty about every 15 minutes and had her sit there until she asked to get up. When she got up, I would reset the kitchen timer for 15 minutes. This seems extreme I know, but I had to get her to go once on there so that we could make a big deal of it and she could get the 1st prize. We had a lot of "HOLD IT! RUN RUN RUN..." moments, but finally, she peed. I made a big deal of it, let her choose which M&M she wanted and pick out a prize. (Of course I took a pic...that's right, I took a pic of her sitting next to a potty with pee in it)
After she went the first time, it seemed to register with her that she needed to go in the potty. She did really well the rest of the day, we did have accidents, but she was trying, which was all that counts.
I had prepared myself for regression on Day 2. It didn't prepare me though. The morning of Day 2 was horrible. You would have thought that it was the 1st and she had never heard of a potty. This lasted for about a couple of hours or so and then she picked it up.
The rest of the day went pretty well. She had some accidents, but nothing major and she decided that she didn't like the Froggy Potty and would rather use the big potty. Fine with me! I hated cleaning it out anyway! We kept it in the living room anyway, just in case she wanted to use it, or she was near it and couldn't hold it to get to the big potty. For the most part though, she went to the hall bathroom.
Day 3 was pretty good. We even took a little trip to Target in big girl panties. I figured that it was some place that R was comfortable, they have tile floors and we know where the bathrooms are. I stressed the fact that if she went in her undies that we would have to come home, so she needed to let me know if she needed to go. She did and we hurried to the bathroom and she went. She was so glad to finally get out of the house, I think that me saying that if she went in her pants we would have to go home, was a bit of motivation. We kept the trip short, and she got to pick a prize for not going at Target, so that was good too.
She does have a bit of fear in public restrooms on the giant seats with the open fronts. I remedy that by me sitting on the potty, all the way towards the back (I am fully clothed, sounds gross...whatever) and she sits between my legs at the front. Sounds gross, but it works and she doesn't feel like she is going to fall in since she can hold on to my legs and her back is against me. For a week or 2 if we went some where, I put the Froggy Potty in the car and we did have to use it once or twice, but now just reminding her not to go in her pants and to tell me so that we don't have to go home has worked.
I did put her in a pull up at bedtime, some theories say not to put them in a pull up at all, but I did and still continue to. She doesn't have night time control yet, and I don't stress over that. Night time control will come with time. Poop was a bit more challenging and we still struggle a bit with it.
That is it...if there is something that I have forgotten, let me know and I will fill you in.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Friday Quickee - Conversations with Rory
This will be a quick one, but she has been SUPER funny lately!
In the car on the way to eat with some friends of ours. I called Kevin to tell him that we were going to O'Charleys (Hello, kids eat free!).
R: We are not going to O'Charley's, we are going to Ruby Tuesdays.
L: We are going to O'Charley's Rory, maybe we will go to Ruby Tuesdays another time
R: I am not going to O'Charleys
L: Okay
R: Wets go to Nellie Friday's
(***get it, RUBY and NELLIE...our dogs!)
We are trying to get her to go Poop in the is our last hang up that she isn't really consistent with. For whatever reason, this is her thought process on Pooping.
R: Mommy, those fishies are hungry
L: What fishies Rory?
R: Those fishies in the Ow-Shun
L:O, OK.
R: I have to Poop in the potty to feed the fishies, they are so hungry
L: Rory, do you need to go potty
R: Yes, let's hurry!
-----She goes, and hops off the potty
R: YAY! Mommy, those fish are so happy...they aren't hungry anymore!
L: Super!
(This is totally gross, but if it gets her to go, I don't care what she calls it and we have since aquired a new "Code Phrase"...I need to go 'Feed the Fish' has a whole new meaning)
Rory has gotten 2 of the Llama Llama books, they are SO cute, if you have toddlers, RUN and get them.
Rory knows all of LLama Llama Red Pajama and 'reads' it to her self all of the time!
I was fussing at her the other day and she busts out with this one:
R: Mommy, you listen to stop all this Llama Drama and be patient for your Mama
(I almost lost it by the way...hard to scold her when she is being super cute)
After getting out of the tub the other night, she is following me into her room, all wrapped in her towel. I turn around when I get to the bed and she is not there.
L: Rory...where are you?
L: Rory, come here please
R: (from far away) Rory is not here right now
L: Where is Rory and who is that talking?
R: This is Princess Belle, call me sweetly pweese
L: Princess Belle, where are you, come here please
-Rory tip toes in
R: Oh dear, I seemed to have gotten wost (lost), and I am naked...oh my
R drops juice sippy and a little spills out
R: Uh Oh, well that was unfort-nat (unfortunate)
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1:15 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Rory talks to Baby James
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9:34 PM